'Actual Animal Killed'

No debates intended. I was just wondering why this movie has the keyword "actual animal killed". I've seen it twice (a while ago) but I don't remember any animal scenes, except his pet pig which was never harmed.


Theres a pig, a baby leopard thrown carelessly on to a bed, snakes speared and killed for food by natives, monkeys playing with children, birds in cages more or less continuously, hell... There's even a big cat fish that eats money. Animals or non-stop in this film, it's odd you don't recall seeing any.


Like I said, I remember his pet pig and now that you mention it, I remember the leopard & fish. But I have absolutely no recollection of snakes being speared (which is probably the "animal actual killed"). Was that scene deleted in some versions?


It's a very, very quick scene. I didn't remember it until I re-watched the movie.


It's in the scene where they're taking the rails from the locomotive. It's so short you can't be sure if they actually killed the snake.




There's a scene where they are clearing the trees on the hillside and a few of the "bare-asses" pierce a snake. Although it never actually dies, and could live from that.


There's that scene where Cholo throws TNT in the river and you can clearly see a fish get blown up on the right, bottom-hand side of the frame by the boat.

Never let others dictate your opinion on a film:


Until reading your post, I didn't know there was an 'actual animal killed' list which I have now found useful. Even if the type of animal involved is generally viewed as obnoxious, I still find it off-putting that such scenes are included in any movie.
