Poirot's One Mistake

Poirot concludes that Arlena's murder took place between 10:30 and 12:00 noon. That is not correct. The murder actually took place after 12:00, probably about 12:15. Recall that Patrick and Myra showed up at the beach where Arlena was sunbathing precisely at the time the noon day gun went off -- i.e. 12:00 noon. We know that Arlena had not actually been killed at this point. She is lying unconscious in a cave and Christine is playing her part as her corpse lying on the beach. Arlena is actually killed AFTER Myra is sent back to fetch help. Of course, Poirot had not sorted this all out at the time he deduced the time of death.


Of course, but he based the conclution on witnesses. If witnesses say they saw her dead at 12, that is what he must assume.

They blew up Congress!!! HAHAHA!


During his explanation of how the crime was carried out he actually mentioned 12:15 so he knew that the time of death was after 12:00. So as stated in the comment above he was going on the information obtained from Myra and Patrick and the last time he saw Arlena.
