Mrs Gardner

She's rude, abusive, her voice is annoying, she has the worst possible manners... but I absolutely love her! The character alone is perfect, and together with Silvia Miles' performance is beyond words!

I'm smiling. This should scare you.


Agree absolutely!
Usually I really dislike it deeply when a film is changed too much from the book it's based on, but in this case: on the contrary.
The Gardners in the book are so decent and respectable I was sometimes wondering what they were doing there in the first place. I mean, they were obviously never part of the "whodunnit"-plot because they were so decent and because they had absolutely no connection with Arlena at all. I don't think they were even suspected in the book (at least not as I can remember).
When they made this film they must have realised that if they should put the Garnders in the film at all, they needed to have a connection to Arlena, and their decent charactertraits had to dissappear. Otherwise they would have to be cut from the film due to being irrelevant to the plot. And I just loved how they spiced up mrs Gardner, and James Mason was simply adorable.

- Who's the lady with the log?
- We call her the Log Lady.
