Priest - Gay??

Was it just me or did anyone else feel that they were subtly trying to say that the priest was gay. The way he was going camping in the woods with his male friend? And several other scenes with the two of them. The only thing that makes me doubt it is that NOTHING about this movie is subtle haha


... they were subtly trying to say that the priest was gay.
Isn't it the norm for priests to be sexually deviant in some way? Celibacy is unnatural and messes with their minds.





No, don't kid yourself. Sexually deviant priests are certainly NOT the norm. Haven't you ever heard of the silent majority?? You only hear about the handful (ok, basketful) of bad priests because they are the ones who make it to the news. But there are hundreds of thousands of priests who dedicate their lives everyday to what they believe and do it in celibacy.

Also, does being gay make you a sexual deviant?!?!


Also, does being gay make you a sexual deviant?!?!
Deviancy is only relevant to priests when measured against Catholic doctrine. The last time I checked homosexuality was still considered a sin.





That's right--it's in the Bible--"He who sleeps with his own kind shall be called an abomination". Of course it also says that he who eats shellfish shall be called an abomination! Also that all adulterers should be stoned to death (there goes most politicians). Also there are at least FOUR incestuous couples in the Bible (fathers with their daughters) and this is shown as a GOOD thing. Catholic doctrine is outdated and written centuries ago. It should be changed--if you can find any priests to do it who aren't molesting kids.




I'm the saddle.



Wow....I've seen this movie a hundred times and didn't connect the two. Probably cause most of the times, I stop watching shortly after the family gets wasted.


Yawn, the predictable revisionist Mosaic law card. That tired attempt to argue against the biblical prohibition of homosexual relationships has been refuted countless times. There are several passages; one in Hebrews, one in Colossians, and one in Acts that show the ignorance of such an argument since they make it clear there is a distinction between the Mosiac laws and moral laws.


I thought they were gay as well



No, cause didn't the demon say he was attracted to the daughter?
