Appalling voice acting
I enjoyed the series overall, for it's subtlety, dreary realism and of course, outstanding acting performances. For the most part.
What more than tarnishes an otherwise very good piece of work for me is the consistently atrocious voice acting in SP. Now maybe this just a sign of the times, but even by the standards of the 1980's, the 'accents' on offer from many of the characters are at times laughably bad.
Bernard Hepton's turn as the shifty Esterhase is engaging and almost believable, but even his voice work was apparently practiced in lunch hours in the BBC canteen. Eileen Atkins' Ostrakova regularly slips between English pronunciation and a hammy Russian stereotype. Her voice is often OK, but the inflections are all wrong, giving her dialog a false, affected delivery.
But special mention must go to the winner of the wooden spoon, Paul Herzberg for his 'effort' as Villem. To label his performance 'amateur hour' would frankly be an insult to the amateur productions taking place the length of the country. I came within an inch of switching off. He only just outstrips Dudley Sutton as Kirov. Was that Greek/public schoolboy/Russian that he was going for? Blissfully, he was limited to just one speaking scene.
A real shame, as although SP pales next to the altogether superior TTSS, it was nonetheless entertaining and occasionally brilliant. But my my, how much we owe today to modern standards of voice coaching.