MovieChat Forums > Smiley's People (1982) Discussion > Sequel to Smiley's People in film or boo...

Sequel to Smiley's People in film or book?

What happened next to Karla, the daughter, and her mother?


Good question lady! And how about Gregoriev? Did he get the uniform that he wanted? Did he dump Gregorieva and become a free citizen in the West? Somehow, I doubt it.....


Ahhhh, too bad. I really loved this film, and didn't want it to end! It didn't bother me that it was slow, it really wasn't, it was just thorough and intense. Alec Guiness said more in a twist of the lip or a raise of the eyebrow than a lot of actors say in pages of script. There are some actors who are very, very good but few and far in between.


Karla had had the mother of his daughter killed for anti-social behavior.


Yes, I remember Connie Sachs said it was his idea of a marital tiff when George Smiley went to visit her in Oxfordshire. A good line........


Wait. . . .wasn't Alexandra's mother Madame Ostrakova (sp?)???? I don't remember her being killed in the film.


Ostrakova’s real daughter, Alexandra, never appears. Her identity, including all of the immigration documents that Ostrakova filed with the French authorities, is used as a false background (or “legend,” to use Le Carré’s terminology) for Karla’s daughter, Tatiana, later interned at the Swiss clinic.

The identity of Tatiana’s mother, like Karla’s, is apparently lost to the mists of Soviet Officialdom.

Karla himself does not appear in any of Le Carré’s later books, although, in The Secret Pilgrim, there is a brief mention that it was Smiley who debriefed him after his defection.


Wow, and I thought I was paying attention.. .. ..jeez, you can't even blink when watching a La Carre film.
