MovieChat Forums > Smiley's People (1982) Discussion > What becomes of the lighter?

What becomes of the lighter?

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What becomes of the lighter?

In the book, Karla leaves the lighter laying on the ground, but it is never mentioned if George retrieves it or not.

Would you want it back, or would you leave it?


Well, George Smiley has just said goodbye to Ann - for good. So why would he pick up a lighter he has given up tweny-five years ago? To remind him of a woman who has cuckolded him for thirty years (or something lik that)? To remind him of that same woman whom he at last has decided to leave to her own fate?
Smiley may hesitate for a long time before he makes up his mind, but when he does he has covinced himself that it is the right decision and he is ruthless in the carrying out.


Good points Mr.Big & benth04. Once Smiley captured Karla, he felt it was the end of history and that it ended with a whimper, not a bang. Everyone else was thrilled, but for Smiley, it was anticlimactic, so the lighter meant little to him & he could leave it behind. Also agree that he left the lighter behind because it reminded him of Ann & he decided to leave her as well. Now, he could face his new life as a pensioner.


Would you want it back, or would you leave it?

Take it back. One holds onto whatever one can of a lost true love.


In the film only...there is a glimpse of Peter kind of reaching back for it...probably for the Circus Archives or something...


I just put this in another thread in this board, and saw this thread - again:

Karla picks up the lighter. He keeps it and I am sure that Smiley knows that it is one of those small "life insurances" that spies have - at least in literature. Just like he himself keeps a box in his club with extra passports, driving licenses and other documents, a gun, money

'his own certainly, but equally certainly retained in defiance of the Exchange Control Act. He hade them in his pocket now'.

The lighter is
1: Karla's Escape Pass, should he ever feel the need to defect. Kinda ID. If Karla should defect after Smiley's possible death he would be rather sure that someone knew the story about the lighter, and therefore able to identify him positively.
2: A trophy, just like soldiers taking daggers or parts of uniforms (caps, medals) from killed enemies.


If I were George, I’d take the lighter.

Not for myself, or for Ann, but for those who due to a dark betrayal lost their lives.


Smiley would have no use for that kind of sentimentality.
