MovieChat Forums > Smiley's People (1982) Discussion > Smiley's age, tiredness and the world

Smiley's age, tiredness and the world

Watched this for the second time - it was just as good as the first!

One thing I noticed more this time were the subtle signs that Smiley is now out of step with contemporary society as well as with the new Circus and the spy game. Of course as a well-educated gentleman he's able to still function with politeness and aplomb but... the times they were a'changing.

Beautifully understated of course...

Some examples - the Hare Krishna offering to help him in Hampstead Heath. Also the schoolgirls watching him thinking "look at this old nutter" in the Heath just before.

You can just feel Smiley metaphorically rolling his eyes at the crassness of Strickland and later, Enderby. In particular Smiley's refusal to acknowledge Enderby's "Page 69" joke.

The awkwardness of the Blau Diamante club scene - of course Smiley is not really shocked by what's going on on stage but you tell he really doesn't want to be there.

Further awkwardness of his encounters with the hippies and punks by the lake when he finds Leipzeig.

His dislike of Gwillam's "nasty little" sports car.

Alec Guinness of course maintains Smiley's dignity throughout.


A fine post Anton, this is truly Alec Guinness's best and most loved character.


