When "Family Ties" was popular I was in my 20s and had somewhat of a crush on Justine Bateman (Mallory)who I thought was cute at the time. Now she hasn't aged well.
Just a question, I know that Justine had an eating disorder when she was on the show and got herself into a 12 step program and became a religious fanatic. Now that she has started to go to college at UCLA does anybody know if she is still like that? It would be weird to me since her character as Mallory would be just the opposite of what she is today.
What I have read amd told on other boards is that she was amorexoc amd bullimic, took a 12 step course and found God Jesus thay way. This was back im 2009 and I wonder now that she has started UCLA is she getting off that trip?
I realize that people change as they go through life, however, there was a mystery to me on this since it was the total opposite of Mallory Keaton,her character. I also know thast the majority of actors and actresses we see on the screen are different in real life than they are on screen.
I would highly doubt that Justine was just as much of am underachever in real life as her screem. My real beief is that since I was so much imtp her at the time that the show was popular that I would never expect this turn.
Either way, I am hoping that she finds some peace in life now, and that maybe her studies at UCLA will change her a different way.
I really cannot tell you how religious she got. Trrying to find out since I am most likely like you.
Yes, she's going to UCLA at an older age. I once read that she wanted to go to college when she was on "Family Ties" however, the producers of the show would not allow her to go.
My guess is that she would be different if she had success after the show ended. Something happens to teen and child stars once they are no longer stars anymore. All in music, TV and the movies. The list is very long including:
Michael Jackson Barry Williams Peter Knight Maureen McCormack Lisa Whechel Gary Colemean Danny Bonoduce The Monkees - Okay they were not teens but something happened that they keep on reuniting and somehow have never gotten over the fact that their music is not relevant anymore.
Yeah, he sure did a total change. I doubt she is anything as extreme or she would not have taken that short role on Desperate Housewives a few years back.
If you're not responding to me, "reply" to the post you're responding to. kthanks.
Xen and Meg obviously know Kirk Cameron so well we should just bow before their considered wisdom. Seriously, Cameron's acting ability has always been limited, to me at least, and his work on Growing Pains was too annoying to take. The Left Behind series was scripted about as well as a comic book. Fireproof was an okay movie, but a little too moralistically obvious and shallow. However, Cameron's faith in Jesus Christ as his personal savior and his dedication to share that faith with others as Jesus commanded his followers to do is neither "psycho" nor "certifiable." In a less cynical and smart-assed age, that sort of commitment to something far greater than yourself was at least respected, whether or not you believed or agreed with it. If Cameron was out there shilling for the Buddha, following a Shaman or seeking Zen, you'd never say a word about it; probably even respect his counter-cultural courage and curiosity. People who view the Bible as nothing but fiction are entitled to their point of view, but these days the attitude many take toward those who believe its words, try to understand its mysteries and follow God's will for their lives is too often full of nothing but hatred and contempt. Jesus understood that very well, and asked his Father to forgive us for not knowing what we were doing. You can try to carry that sort of spirit and understanding in your heart for everyone you meet, or you can try to spit on and slam everything you come across that you can't or won't have for yourself. Your choice, consequences and all.
It's a made up story, a scam, and you fell for it. It's not so much sad that you ever believed it, because you were told to, you were born into it. What's sad is that you either never gathered the intelligence to question it and look outside the prison you were born into or you know the truth but continue to parade this charade because you lack the intelligence to truly understand the truth.
It's a mental illness.
What an arrogant douchebag. You have no proof for your convictions, just your narrow minded views. GO AWAY!!
Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want. reply share
I always find it funny that if somebody has a strong CHRISTIAN faith they are called names like looney or Jesus freak, but it would be totally ok and respected if they held strong to Islam or Hinduism. A DOUBLE STANDARD!!!!
I was also in my 20's and thought she was super attractive. She kept my hands busy during my university years. She sure looks way different now sorta in the same way that Tina Yothers looked when she was young.
I wonder if the Family Ties producers had it in Justine's contract about attending college during the show, with having to write around her schedule. If you think about it, she was born in 1966, so she would have graduated high school in 1984. She could have attended evening classes during production hiatus with a two year degree '86 or a 4 year degree '88. Justine's co-star Michael J. Fox buried himself in '85 with preparing for the week's show from 9am till about 6pm, then head over to Universal and film till about 6 am on Back To The Future and then back to the show. Plus Light Of Day (87), Secret Of My Success (87), Bright Lights, Big City (88). It's great to see Justine going to college, but I wonder why she is doing this now in 2013 with being a mother of two children and the pressures of papers, tests and so-forth. She can do whatever she wants, but wouldn't make more sense to attend college after Family Ties went off the air in 1989, 5 years after she graduated from high school and no serious commitments?
Just because she doesn't, or didn't do Stand-up comedy like Jay Leno does, doesn't mean she's not a comedienne. "I Love Lucy" star Lucille Ball didn't do Stand-up, but if you read the descriptions of her, it says she was an actress, comedienne, a model, film studio executive, etc.
Lucy may not have done stand up, but shes from the old school where you act to sing, act, dance and tell jokes...so she was a comedienne like Carol Brunette....and back to the topic Justine Bateman was hot in Family Ties.
I vaguely remember reading a Justine Bateman interview in a college magazine called Campus USA in the late '80s. She said she couldn't imagine going to college even though she was at the age for it. I guess she had a change of heart. She will be a "non-traditional" student at UCLA. When I was in college we referred to older students as "grayheads".
I think Justine Bateman had the courage to thank God publicly for His help and she got criticized and labeled for that! Also Kirk Cameron is passionate about his faith. He's not hurting people but trying to help people. That's a good thing!