Not in Kansas Any More
Why didn't Sherwood and the other teachers give Doris the benefit of the doubt about her assignment based on her past record? And don't performers perform for themselves because it's their nature?
shareWhy didn't Sherwood and the other teachers give Doris the benefit of the doubt about her assignment based on her past record? And don't performers perform for themselves because it's their nature?
shareDunno. Perhaps they wanted to inject some realism in there. The same thing happened to me in high school: I turned in a paper; my teacher lost it and claimed she never received it; and I got screwed. In our district, if you didn't turn in one paper, it was an automatic fail for the entire semester.
When I think about it, Fame didn't always wrap up everything with a happy ending (for example, the "Feelings" episode).
I agree with you--I think performers do perform for themselves. I don't know any performers who "do it for the audience." That was a big eye roll moment.
"Will you be okay on the futon?"
"Oh, the futon. Isn't that Japanese for 'insomnia'?"