MovieChat Forums > Fame (1982) Discussion > Beef With Season 3

Beef With Season 3

Don't get me wrong, I loved it. But the show was based on a high school. And yet Julie gets married presumably without consent---her mother was very upset and it can be assumed that she didn't approve---though one could assume that they only needed the consent of one set of parents, when Bruno's dad dies, he has to drop out of school to get a job, and knowing Angelo's character, he would've set up arrangements for Bruno to live with relatives if he died, and Coco leaves in the middle of the semester to pursue her career, though once again, I would assume that she got her parents consent.

Not a word you want to hear in this house.
Catch ya on the flip side.


From what I remember, alot of changes happened when the show went into first run syndication. Lori Singer decided not to return to the show. Erica Gimpel left to get her high school diploma. I guess as you said, alot was assumed surrounding the changes in the show. I never thought about Bruno going to live with relatives; that would have made more sense than having him leave school. It was also a little strange that several of them - Holly, Leroy, and eventually Chris had their own apartments and no real job to afford them. BUT, I still love this show.


Actually Bruno left the school of the arts because of not being able to afford the tuition . He never quit school period. It was written that he worked at the restraunt at nights and weekends. You don't have those hours unless your still in school some place. I assume Bruno finished his education at a regular high school. He also became head water and was living in his own apartment and taking side gigs . I think Bruno would have wanted to be on his own rather then live with a relative. What bugs me is this school just throws away talented student like Bruno and does not have some kind of student loan program so he can finish his senior year there. That school had the most heartless board of education I ever saw.

Holly was living in an apartment part of the time that was owned by a friend of her parents to be closer to the school and the family was looking out for her. I'm guessing her parents sent money in for her tuition and rint.

Leroy was working for a pool hall across the street from his little apartment and then for Lou's bowling and café across from the school and he also eventually taught at the school. . His apartment was owned by the pool hall owner which gave him a deal. Leroy lived in ratty part of town so he didn't have the most expsensive pad. I always wondered how he afforded his tuition. And all can think of is his mother who was working in Detroit and Leory put money together with both there jobs.

Chris was living at home and helped take care of his younger brother and sister. Then moved into rat trap apartment after he graduated and worked for Lou's bowl and café also and had occasional acting jobs.

Jesse also lived on his own after his family was deported. He ended up showing he was talented and getting a green card. And Jessie's apartment was above a grocery store that he worked at and his apartment was owned by the owner.

And Erica Gimple left the series to further her career.
