All shows have them. But I still find hearing them interesting. Throughout the show, what are some you noticed?
In 1 episode, Rebecca tells Sam about her actress sister, and how she can't stand her. When Sam actually meets Susan, and finds out who she is, and that she starred in a horror film, Sam says Rebecca never mentioned it.
Or when Lilith wants to have the Bris for Frederick. Frasier says he was raised without a religion and as such, he is happy for Lilith's Jewish faith so he son would not be spiritually deprived. But when Lilith and Frasier counsel Woody and Kelly on their differing religious faiths, Lilith says Frasier is Episcopalian.
Some you can explain away. Example, Frasier could easily have found religion when he was older. But despite being able to explain them away, it does still seem like it could have been minor oversight.