Got my DVD!!!!!!!!
Got my DVD!!!! It's sooo wonderful to see dear Chris and Mary Beth again. I find myself doing a lot of remembering as I watch the series again. I remember what a hot temper that Chris had; she always made me laugh with it. I love how streetwise and tough both of them were, yet were also caring and very sweet. I'd also forgotten, but now remember what a pretty face Mary Beth has. I also found myself remembering how Mary Beth's mouth turns downward when she's about to cry and how Chris's brows moved a lot and slants when she cries.
Best part of the series was how they both stood by each other thru thick and thin. I was re-watching the first eppie when Chris and Mary Beth argue over whether the suspect was holding a gun in the shooting and even when they got mad at each other, I noticed how they never used it as an excuse to badmouth each other or let it interfere with their work.
Kudos, Chris and Mary Beth!!! This show was a real groundbreaker alongside with Roseanne!
Chris + Mary Beth forever