Reference to sodomy?

I was just watching a re-run of the race episode, when Cagney and her date leave the ballet, there is a race incident outside the theatre involving a cab driver and his fare. Cagneys date wants her to get involved and arrest the cabbie but she refuses to get involved, saying its a minor infraction of the law. Also (unless my ears decieved me), she says to her date-
"Sodomy is still statute, do you want me to arrest you as well?".

Did I hear that right?


I thought I heard that too. Maybe I did hear her say that afterall.


Cagney obviously likes getting her back door kicked in then :)

Im glad someone else heard that...


her "date" is Tony, her openly gay friend/neighbor.


Dammit, illusion shattered!
Still pretty risque though I suppose, Caggers referring to gay bottom love.

"There is nothing better in life than writing on the sole of your slipper with a biro" HMHB


sometimes people that are as overtly aggressive as Cagney is enjoy being dominated in ways you would never assume they would :)
and yeah, the show was daring and innovative.


Sodomy also referred to oral sex.
