
Since I have been catching up on one of my teen years favorite shows I did a little research on it as well. Did all of the fans out there know this was a feminist show and that it was promoting the feminist movement?

I certainly did not. However, many of the people in my family disliked the show and when I mention it today to my older female friends they never liked it and I think that is a political choice not a show choice.

I just find this new info to me interesting. I took the show as a two women heroines who gave me something to look forward to every week and I think they gave me a little hope that women can count for something when they grow up.

I grew up in a male dominated household, yet there was only one male and five females? Women had little value in the context of daily life but I was told I could do whatever I set my mind to. I just wanted to be a man so I could be valuable. Now that I am older and I value myself as a woman because that is who I am, I find this feminist information on my favorite show as a teen fascinating.

Can anyone comment on this?


Yeah, the whole victim crap you're trying to bust out with here is so freaking lame and dated . . . Get off it! Lol!!! Wow!!!(Mocking) "OMG, I just wanted to be a man so I could be valuable . . ."(sniff, sniff)- Oh you poor little "ting." Give me a break! We live in a society that values women WAAAY more so than men . . . If not why does our society always promote women over men? We have a draft for MEN ONLY, giving them no choice if they are drafted, yet women get that choice. We have abortion rights for a woman to terminate her pregnancy and responsibilities as a parent, but no counter rights in the same regard for men . . . We tell males that it isn't okay for them to hit a female, but show all over the TV/movies that is okay and even funny for a woman to be abusive to not only men, but boys as well . . . I think you are seroiusly kidding yourself and this would be just the beginning of this list.



They still have men listed for drafting today? I'd hoped they'd eliminated that cruel, undemocratic practice a few years ago. But I do agree that it is never right for anyone to hit anyone, male or female.


Yeah, the whole victim crap you're trying to bust out with here is so freaking lame and dated . . . Get off it! Lol!!! Wow!!!(Mocking) "OMG, I just wanted to be a man so I could be valuable . . ."(sniff, sniff)- Oh you poor little "ting." Give me a break! We live in a society that values women WAAAY more so than men . . . If not why does our society always promote women over men? We have a draft for MEN ONLY, giving them no choice if they are drafted, yet women get that choice. We have abortion rights for a woman to terminate her pregnancy and responsibilities as a parent, but no counter rights in the same regard for men . . . We tell males that it isn't okay for them to hit a female, but show all over the TV/movies that is okay and even funny for a woman to be abusive to not only men, but boys as well . . . I think you are seroiusly kidding yourself and this would be just the beginning of this list.

Couldn't agree more! Maybe this isn't true in the rest of the world but in Western society - women are hired more, more likely to graduate with a degree, and live longer. Not to mention that women win unanimously (sp?)in divorce court and child custody cases. Since the 1960's, American culture has increasingly become more hostile to men. Just look at how they are portrayed on TV and film today.

Like Communism it started out with noble intentions but radical elements of Feminism have hijacked the cause and given it a bad name. Most feminists I know are extremely hateful and prejudiced people, I even prefer religious extremists to their ilk.

btw, I don't think he meant the draft per se as much as Selective Services which men DO have to sign up for but not women.

Try not to take life too seriously, no one gets out alive.


Actually, both genders are injured by sexism...both men and women. Yeah, I agree the draft is blatantly unfair to men; I don't think any civilian, male or female should ever be forced against their will to fight in a war.

And yeah, it's wrong for either gender to hit anyone...I don't like shows that show a woman slapping a man any more that I like men slapping women. Either way, for BOTH genders, it's wrong.

The reason more women are graduating with degrees is because they worked for it just like men. I do hope you don't advocate going back to the horrible old days when women were denied the right to own property, own credit, and kept out of most jobs.

We need to do away with the whole "selective service" agenda...it's cruel and undemocratic.

And most feminists are not at all prejudiced...they just want equal rights for BOTH genders. I actually am in several feminists' organizations and one I'm in is working to get rid of the "selective service" because yes, we feminists agree that it's unfair and sexist to men.

A large part of the whole feminist movement which some ppl. misunderstand is that women want to be women in their own right, not "imitation" men; women want to be able to have equal say in the world and get any career a man can get without resorting to become "one of the boys."

That was the whole beauty of Cagney and Lacey...those two were real women, not imitation men nor did they try to become "one of the boys" the way too many other shows and films used to do with successful, powerful women.

