Chris and Mary Beth can CRY...
Another thing I love about these two women is that they're tough and gritty and also they can CRY. It's funny because they know how to fight back against the toughest criminals and get them arrested very competently and at times also cry and cry like babies.
It's kind of neat and a real departure from most other TV females, who were often portrayed as an either or...the strong woman was depicted as emotionless and never cried at all (and often portrayed as either a cold-hearted a$$ or as "one of the guys") or if she was not the stocktype strong woman, she was portrayed as a complete weakling, crying too often and over petty things.
I think that's why so many ppl. esp. women can identify with and feel for Chris and Mary Beth. They are tough, no nonsense women who speak their minds and fight for justice and against sexism and at the same time, sometimes weep openly and deeply. It truly makes them really human.
And when they cry, both of them can truly put on a storm of tears and cry and absolutely cry so fully that you feel their emotional release. With their crying, it's a flood of tears, slanting brows, drooping mouths, sobbing and/or whimpering, quivering, the whole works. They both know how to cry hard when they need to.
Then usually the next day, if not minutes later, they're back in level-headed business of fighting crime and injustice.
Is that not absolutely human or what?
Christine + Mary Beth forever