Any lipreaders?
What does Cagney (or is that Lacey? The blond one) say to the flasher in the opening credits?
Alcohol is the cause of, and solution to, all life's problems
What does Cagney (or is that Lacey? The blond one) say to the flasher in the opening credits?
Alcohol is the cause of, and solution to, all life's problems
Probably F--- off or something. Chris (the lemon-haired blond one) was a feisty one and I loved her steamy temper and no nonsense approach to things.
shareI remember this question being asked on Points Of View in the UK when the orriginal series was on.
They said that Lacey says something along the lines of "Put that away, you don't know where it's been!" to the flasher.
I thought it was Chris that said that. Maybe Chris merely said something like, Good, now go f--- yourself with it; I can totally see her saying that while Lacey merely told him to "put that away."
Roseanne + Jackie forever
that's so spooky - i came here to ask just that question. thank you simonincaterham, youre a star
shareI also remember this being asked on Points of View and they would get a lipreader to figure it out - then forgot to tune in the next week to find the answer.
"Worthington, we're being attacked by giant bats!"
I remember that Pounts of View episode too.