Mary Beth the whirlwind...
Watching these eppies makes me remember what a bundle of energy and what a whirlwind Mary Beth is! It's so fascinating and often funny watching bubbly, talkative, sensitive, outgoing, extroverted, zany Mary Beth gust from one deep emotion to another and just watch how she's so strongly affected by things around her, how she can cry a storm of tears sometimes, then also laugh loudly at funny things.
Her face (like Chris's) is just so animated; I love how she points out her finger when she's making a strong point; I love how her rather curved brows move upward when she's upset and how her brows kind of arch a bit at times.
I also love those huge brown eyes of hers and how her eyes get even BIGGER than they already are when she's surprised or in wonderment or dazed.
It's amazing and lovely to watch even her fits of temper and how she'll explode loudly, swear, but stay kind and never harm anyone even in anger...then just her deep love for others...her deep loyalty and love for Chris as a friend and how dearly she loves her family...I love how wonderfully romantic she is with Harvey Sr. and how she just loves all three of her kids openly and hugs them's easy to see that all three kids feel very loved by Mary Beth; they are fortunate to have her as their mother.
Mary Beth is just so energetic, full of passion, and just is a great whirlwind of a mix of emotions and intelligence. Anyone remember this about Mary Beth and feel this from her when seeing the eppies?
Christine + Mary Beth forever