Clip from this movie

There is a clip from this movie on youtube. I watched it and it is the scene where they are in the office and the whole "talking thru a rubber chicken", "click, did you hang up?" and "I'm the farthest from the phone" in it. I loved this movie and my friends and I used to watch it all the time many years back in HS. Hope you all get kick out of it as much as I did!


That was friggin' hilarious!! Why don't they release this on DVD if they havn't already?? I'd buy it for sure.

It Ain't Stealing If You Take It Fast:)


I actually do own this on DVD. You can get it at, that's where I got my from.


I had fun being in it. I was a lot younger then but I was wearing a brown suit right behind the old man at the dance scene in the gym. Looking right at the camera. Of course, the director told me to look right at the camera. When we filmed that scene, there was no music to dance to, it was added later.

Glad you enjoyed the movie. One of my favorites. Especially the ongoing on screen body count.
