The truth about STUDENT BODIES
I'm glad to see there's a renewed interest in this film, although to be completely honest, I was pretty embarrassed about being in it - back then. The real truth about STUDENT BODIES is that it was created during the writer's strike of 1980/81. Paramount produced it so that they would have something to release during the lull that comes from no films being shot (watch the theatres in about a year from now and you'll see what I mean.) They came to Texas because we are a right-to-work state, not completely governed by union rules. Allen Smithee is credited as producer because Michael Ritchie (Bad News Bears) could not put his name on it. A side note, Ritchie did most of the directing on the sets I was at.
Check out my blog at - with all the talk about the film, I decide to share my experiences on the set.
And yes, I'm hoping the DVD will come out one day