The Communist Holocaust
Could you imagine if a movie in modern America had been made like this glorifying the Nazi takeover of Germany? Could you also imagine the response if people made benign comments on about aspects of that film while ignoring the elephant elephant in the living room; that they're glorifying the ultimate evil? What's happening here is even worse. This move Reds glorifies those who created a Holocaust even larger than Hitler's. The Soviet Union was a terror/nightmare state that murdered tens of millions of people. Let me repeat that important point, the Soviet Holocaust was worse than the Nazi Holocaust. Beatty and Keaton were despicable for contributing to this movie the way they did. They are morally worse than neo-Nazi skinheads. Our popular culture and public education system do a terrible job of informing us of the Communist holocaust that murdered around 100 million people. If it did that job properly no one would tolerate this horrible movie.