I'm high as fuck right now, but bear with me...
I'm currently watching Raiders for the 1,000th time, and Indy's just now entering the cave with Alfred Molina in the opening sequence. As he walks in, he scrapes some dirt into a bag so that, once inside, he can use it to offset the weight of the idol on its booby-trapped pedestal. You all know the scene. Anyway, the moment always struck me as odd, because I used to wonder how Indy knew to expect that specific type of booby trap inside the temple. But then I would get swept up in the adventure and just chalk it up to lazy writing. ANYWAY, it finally occurred to me that Indy has quite likely already been on countless adventures in search of the idol (or artifacts like it), and has had to learn the hard way to expect booby-traps of this nature. Basically, he's learning from past mistakes, which I suppose he gets another chance to do later on with Marion. Maybe this all seemed obvious to you, but the thought had simply never occurred to me.