The real victim here
Christina Crawford had it pretty rough, that's for damn sure. But she did end up a millionaire several times over with the success of the book - people don't remember that it was among the first of its kind and sold millions of copies for years.
And then the movie.
It's a piece of crap, and I love it to death, but the real victim of this entire ordeal is the little girl who played young Christina in the film. I don't care how mature she may have been for her age or how good an actress she may have been. Some of those scenes are truly terrifying (the bathroom scene is one, a crazed Faye Dunaway chopping away at her wig for take after take after take....). Don't tell me that kid wasn't damaged for having to be screamed at for hours and hours a day, for months. And what'd she get out of it? She's in the bomb of the century and no one even knows her name - I can't even be bothered to look it up. That girl got a raw deal. I mean, so did the one that played older Christina because of that wig, but still.