The very final scene **MAJOR SPOILER QUESTION**
Does that shot actually take place (Guy's balls ripped of by jigsaw body corpse), or is it safe to say he was hallucinating that last part?
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Does that shot actually take place (Guy's balls ripped of by jigsaw body corpse), or is it safe to say he was hallucinating that last part?
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Does that shot actually take place (Guy's balls ripped of by jigsaw body corpse), or is it safe to say he was hallucinating that last part?Within the context of the film, it seems clear that it actually took place.
Hello GrandSammer,
The reason I thought it was a hallucination is because it seemed unlikely that a body would re-animate itself without explanation. Also, since that same guy had The Jigsaw Corpse land on him randomly after the events that took place, I can only imagine that would cause some kind of post-traumatic episode that would occur anywhere from 1 minute later (movie's time) to 10 years later (real time). Plus, notice that we don't see the cop's reaction to this crazy event taking place.
However, I could imagine that it would be an interesting to read the police report afterward! (According to the police at the scene, a corpse made up of different victims reanimated itself and ripped off the balls of the kid who helped all throughout the investigation)
The XTROterrestrial
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Plus, notice that we don't see the cop's reaction to this crazy event taking place.As I recall, the cops had already left the room. Kendall was just quickly going back to grab his jacket. And then the corpse hand suddenly shot up...
However, I could imagine that it would be an interesting to read the police report afterward!Yeah, that WOULD be pretty weird!
That would make an interesting Robot Chicken skit! Hell, if Sleepaway Camp could get spoofed, so can PIECES!
The XTROterrestrial
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No, I think the cop he was talking to was still in the room when it happen.
shareI just re watched this, and from what I recall, the cop ("Don't brood over it") was indeed still in the room.
A possible theory, if the final scene isn't a hallucination, is that the killer's mom's ghost took control of the jigsaw corpse.
One theory I read is that the killer felt guilty about what he did to his mom 40 years earlier. He wanted to put her back together from parts of other women of the same build as her. That said, she saw that the police and the college kid killed her son. So, as a final bit of revenge, she popped to life to rip off the guy's b@ll$ as a final Eff U to the police.
So, in a sense, the bad guy wom, because he was successful in bringing her back.
A very scary scene would be if Christopher George's character heard the scream and rushed back into the room, only to see the re-animated corpse standing there, huffing and moaning in animalistic rage.
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Interesting idea; sort of a reverse on the Friday the 13th ending with the mother coming up instead of the son attacking the boy instead of the girl.
shareI assume the Dean went all Frankenstein with the stitched body and either brought it to life, it was having spasms of some kind. Weird, and never explained, but '80s horror movie so I don't really expect that much realism.
Grabbing and shattering the guy's junk was probably "unintentional" if we could put it that way.
I tagged Ian Sera in a photo of his crotch getting mauled on the IMDb.
I've been chasing grace/ But grace ain't easy to find
And some random dude throws some blood to his balls while the corpse is tearing them apart. Hilarious.
"It's All in the Game."
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idk what it as but it came out of the left-est left field.
and i loved it.
I agree with what someone already said, I think it was just put in there for shock value, just like some of those Friday the 13th movies and the immortal Feast III (lol).