This was something totally different than what I expected! I thought it was going to be some weird, Grindhousy, corny action flick judging from the cover. And instead it's a chracter ensemble piece that reminds me of a Robert Altman film. ALthough there's not much action, I wasn't bored for a second....I mean c'mon, am I alone in wanting to see a movie about Renaissance Faire Carnies that are too absorbed in their fantasy world? GREAT STUFF!


Just watched this last night. I really enjoyed it. All aspects of this film were wonderful. Great acting. Wonderful photography. And an unusual but interesting story. Romero never ceases to make a smart entertaining picture. I love his work...


This is a movie about the journey of LIFE. We all must 'fight the dragon,' as King Billy says. I am a biker and an amateur philosopher, so I can see the film from several viewpoints. If you are a fan of Renaissance Fairs, you will love this film, not because of the colors and music (some songs in the movie are actually medieval), but because you will see and hear things that have rarely been said or seen in a movie. If you are a biker, you will be impressed with the skill of the stuntriders doing the battle scenes. Of course, we are not surprised to see a bit of blood in a Romero film...but there are many other things:
The corrupt small town cops whom so many of us have encountered; the lost ideals of youth in learning that survival is important; the excitement and challenges of running an entertainment business; the bittersweet realities of the wrong love that is wrongly started; the joy of motorcycling; the beauty of the area around Gettysburg, PA; gender issues (Rocky the warrior and Angie the mechanic); racial issues (not making a big deal out of inter-racial love); Brother Blue's magnificent storytelling; law and society (the campfire scene and dialogue between idealism and opportunity)...
The final song at the end of the film sums it up: "Well, I'd rather die in a hurricane, than to have never faced the storm."
Bottom line: you don't know what a GREAT movie is until you see this film!


I personally think it's Romero's masterpiece.

**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone


I agree. Much as I like Romero's horror movies, this one really gets to me. I probably watch it twice a year.

"The truth 24 times a second."


It's the film that proved Romero was not *just* a horror guy. He manages on getting his touch for social commentary without needing a total calamity. I'd say the "We're them, they're us." philosophy can be applied to this film just as well as the Dead films.

Why I think it's his masterpiece is just the epic feel of the film. Everyone fills their roles, and every role fits. This is a story of honor, and how it's gone missing, yet can be reclaimed. Timeless.


**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone
