All you do is put words in my mouth and accuse me of "justifying murder". There is no justification for murder.
You were the one who said that you "rooted for" the killer simply because your thought certain characters were personally unpleasant (even though none had threatened or harmed anyone, least of all Harold).
Unless QUOTING someone is the same as "putting words in their mouth", then I did not do so in any way, shape, or form.
This was simply my way of saying that I wasn't crazy about the movie.
If that was your intention, then you could have just said something like...gee, I don't know..."I wasn't crazy about this movie"
I didn't have any connection with any of the characters.
I didn't either, but that's still a far cry from "rooting for" the murderer.
I said "suspected murderer" because unlike you, I did not want to spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it.
The identity of the killer has been well known and discussed on this board for a few years now. I personally responded to a post on this subject in early 2010. So, that cat's been out of the bag for some time now.
I said the doctor was anal-retentive because at one point he shouted at Susan which briefly led me to believe he might be the killer.
That's what's known as a "red herring". This movie had lots of them.
Susan not being friendly in the hospital is understandable, she's told falsely she has a life threatening illness and she felt there was no transparency with this particular hospital.
It was also the emptiest movie hospital I've seen aside from the one in Halloween II.
As for Susan being cold to her ex, blaming everything on one side is foolish.
To my knowledge, no one said otherwise.
In marriages that fail, it takes two to tango.
No, that's not always true.
Maybe her ex was a jerk, but I don't think she's necessarily any better.
Again, no one claimed otherwise. In any case, none of this is germane to the issue at hand.
Your personal attack against me was uncalled for. I don't believe expressing an opinion about a movie should warrant your nasty sarcastic comments against me. I respect your right to disagree with me but not your attacks.
To reiterate, you were the one who said that you "rooted for" the killer 29 years ago and that you felt the same way today.
That may not have been what you meant, but that is what you WROTE. And as such, that is the only thing that readers/posters on this board can go by.
Quick note: To "root for" something means that you approve of something, that you want it to happen.
When I "root for" my favorite team, that means I am cheering them on, desiring a win for them. It's an expression of approval.
So, given the circumstances, the fact that a poster might express disgust at the sentiment referred to above, is in no way out of line. Nor does it constitute an "attack".
If you feel I rained on your parade about this movie, that's your issue, not mine.
You didn't "rain on" anything of mine.
I had no role in the making or financing of this film, so it doesn't matter to me whether anybody likes it or not.
I personally find it to be an enjoyable little low-budget horror flick (not the best, but by no means the worst). If it comes out on DVD at a reasonable price, I may purchase a copy.
But not every movie is everyone's cup of tea and that's fine. I don't believe that anyone here has claimed otherwise.
A 4.5 rating on isn't something to be proud of.
Actually, it doesn't mean much of anything.
It means I wasn't the only person who didn't think that movie was great.
That's pretty much all it means.
If you like this movie I don't hold it against you, I just don't believe in beating up on people who disagree with me.
No one on this board has "beat up" on anyone. Not even close.
Thanks, and have a great day.