Where was it filmed?

I distinctly recall a reference book in the 80's or 90's saying "Hospital Massacre" was a shot-in-Israel movie (specifically Tel Aviv), which would make sense given the producer's connections and the desire to keep costs down.

But I just rewatched it, and the scenes at the beginning with Susan and her ex-husband look a LOT like Century City in Los Angeles to me. Also, imdb lists the shooting location as Los Angeles (but we all know how inaccurate it can be sometimes).

Does anyone know if it was filmed in Israel, or the US? Just curious.

Mike Justice


Does anyone know if it was filmed in Israel, or the US? Just curious.
It would seem that the exteriors were filmed in the Los Angeles area, but the interiors were filmed on a soundstage somewhere in Israel (most likely Tel Aviv).

The prologue set at Susan's house in 1961 was probably filmed in the Los Angeles area also. It seems unlikely that they would fly the three child actors all the way to Israel just for this one brief scene.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, and have a great day.



This film was shot at night in an actual abandoned hospital.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!
