Sabre toothed Lions ?
You know, when they are all stuck in a tree and they are being stalked by.....
OK so are they supposed to be: A. Sabre tooth tigre B. Cave Lion C. or sabre tooth tigre with tail?
You know, when they are all stuck in a tree and they are being stalked by.....
OK so are they supposed to be: A. Sabre tooth tigre B. Cave Lion C. or sabre tooth tigre with tail?
The typical Sabre Toothed Tiger that first comes to mind is the Smilodon. Which was neither a tiger or lion but a species unto itself. However, Smilodon fossils have only ever been found on the American (both north and south) continents.
The Sabre Tooth found in Europe is the lessor know Scimitar which appears to have become extinct around 11,000 years ago. Long after the period when this movie is set because humans had well and truley learnt how to make fire by then and were starting to settle in more permanent settlements using rudimentary farming techniques and started forging the first metals.
The setting of this movie is more likely around 100,000 years ago at the height of the last major ice age.