Well.. Ika is abviously Homo Sapien and the movie took place 80000 years ago (?). That rules out Australia, Europe, North/South America and Asia, so an educated guess would be Africa :)
How ever, the movie is from 1981. Im not sure what they knew back then. Noah's tribe seems to be Neanderthal but since they only lived in Europe and Asia they can't be. Leaves Homo Erectus, which also would explain the ape like behaviour in some scenes. That would mean the tribe attacking Noah's gang in the first few scenes is even more primitive, Homo Habilis.
If Homo Habilis and Homo Sapien ever co-existed i do not know, but i doubt it. I'm also not sure how old Homo Sapien remains they have found in Africa, but on all other continents 80000 years is out of the question. For Africa it sounds possible.
All in all i would say this movie is historically inaccurate, but still amazing and again, i have no idea what they knew about these things in the early 80s. And of course there is also the fact that even if we haven't found any 80000 years old Homo Habilis remains in Africa, they might still have been there at the time. We don't know everything.
Ok, i checked a few facts up and no, they can't be Homo Habilis. Three different species co-existing, and one of them Homo Sapien, is just wrong.
Both Homo Erectus and Homo Sapien in the same place kind of rules out Africa too. I don't know what to make of it. There are also the wolly mammoths. I'm no expert but an initial guess is Europe/Asia. The movie is full of contradictions.