Anyone else really on the fence about this one?
There were things that I really liked about this movie and things I really hated. I cant decide whether I liked it on the whole or not.
What I liked:
I thought the school set was really good and it gave a great atmosphere to the movie.
When the main girl finds the body at the end in the killer's room, that actually made me jump. Kudos.
I liked some of the artsy editing style that this movie had with all the really quick cutting.
It was also a pretty fun movie.
What I hated:
WTF is with that song from that band of Boy Georges? I timed it out, its 7:30 minutes long. Was that necessary at all?
The lightning. Sometimes it was fine. Sometimes it seemed like they didn't even try to light at all.
You couldn't see much of a lot of the kills cuz of darkness.
They only show the killer in his fencing costume once. I say either show him a lot or don't show him at all.
Anyone else agree or disagree?