MovieChat Forums > Graduation Day (1981) Discussion > Anyone else really on the fence about th...

Anyone else really on the fence about this one?

There were things that I really liked about this movie and things I really hated. I cant decide whether I liked it on the whole or not.

What I liked:
I thought the school set was really good and it gave a great atmosphere to the movie.

When the main girl finds the body at the end in the killer's room, that actually made me jump. Kudos.

I liked some of the artsy editing style that this movie had with all the really quick cutting.

It was also a pretty fun movie.

What I hated:
WTF is with that song from that band of Boy Georges? I timed it out, its 7:30 minutes long. Was that necessary at all?

The lightning. Sometimes it was fine. Sometimes it seemed like they didn't even try to light at all.

You couldn't see much of a lot of the kills cuz of darkness.

They only show the killer in his fencing costume once. I say either show him a lot or don't show him at all.

Anyone else agree or disagree?


I agree. I liked it but it dragged in some places. The song wasn't that bad, but when it went on for like a half hour it became the worst song ever. Linnea was excellent, but in many scenes you couldn't see her very well because of the lighting. The who done it quality was well done as I was guessing through out, and the gore effects were satisfactory. So this movie wasn't a miss, but it also wasn't a clear hit.
