MovieChat Forums > The Fox and the Hound (1981) Discussion > thinking about this movie makes me want ...

thinking about this movie makes me want to cry :(

I almost cried when I watched it a couple of nights ago, then the next night I was thinking about it then I started to cry over it. When your thinking about the movie does it make you start crying?

But if I still believe you love me, maybe I'll survive...


depending on how strong the movie hits you. For this one, sometimes it does.

If you think that HP is a load of rubbish, You're Missing Out!


Almost. Usually when I think about how much Copper and Tod really loved playing together as kids knowing what the future holds for them.

For love denied blights the soul we owe to God.


Me too, i was at work and i started thinking about it and i had to tirn my back because my eyes welled up! :(

At least i know there's many other soppy people out there and it's not a bad thing, it's very good to ahve feleings and be compassioniate i think

Everyone has a right to twinkle & shine like a star

