Tim Burton's scenes

Tim Burton criticizes his own work on this movie by saying that his scenes made the characters look like roadkill. I know what Burton's animation looks like by watching some of his pencil tests, but save for a few shots that are obviously animated by Don Bluth, I can't tell Burton's work from any other animator in this movie. Did anyone else see any roadkill foxes or hounds in this? *lol*


I think you may have the wrong movie...

We've come to the conclusion that The Bird is greater than or equal to The Word.


No, Burton worked on this. Not sure if anything he did was used though, apparently he was drawing so badly he had a nervous breakdown and they took him off the project and had him direct short films instead. I heard he worked mainly on silhouetted scenes, not sure if any of them actually made it into the film though.



None of his scenes made it. He commented about the foxes he designed looking like "roadkill". He couldn't do that cutesy style. (Although Zero's certainly a hit with the kids.)


