MovieChat Forums > The Fox and the Hound (1981) Discussion > Wow, the original novel was DARK

Wow, the original novel was DARK

Funny also how little the film (even aside from general tone) has to do with the story of the book; in the novel Tod and Copper NEVER become friends but are enemies beginning to end, whereas in the movie their friendship is central to the story. About the only things the film seems to have kept from the book is the name of the story and some of the characters.


Just finished it. A little shaken it is so dark.


I want to vomit. That's the most cynical and fatalistic story summary I've ever read in my life. It's beats anything written by a 19th century Russian. Holy crap.

I'm glad Disney disneyfied that story. That story is harrowing for adults, let alone children. It'd make a great political commentary, though.

(In reply to hwcperfect re Godzilla 2014)
LaLlama: Make me give a *beep* whats going on


And it's totally fked up that Todd and Copper die in the end.

"Rock and roll ain't noise pollution"-AC/DC


I've never read the book, but based on the Wiki summary, it sounds pretty nihilistic. I'm sure as a book it would be interesting, but I doubt it would translate into an equally-compelling movie.

What I love about the movie is that it found a hint of optimism in the story, while still retaining the darkness of Tod and Copper's war with each other.


The animated movie "Watership Down" is pretty dark, too, and violent in parts. Not a movie for little kids (well, any kids really). If it was made today it would probably be rated PG-13 (it was PG when it was released in 1978). The novel it's based on can be a hard read for younger readers also. I probably wouldn't recommend it for anyone under 10 or 11 either.


The film version of Watership Down ultimately has a happy ending, however. I have heard that the end of the Fox and the Hound novel does not.


You're right about that. Almost everything from the novel was utterly changed.
Basically, Copper manages to wear down Tod to the point where the latter literally just drops dead from exhaustion. Then the hunter, who's an old drunk, gets sent to a retirement home and because dogs aren’t allowed, he’s forced to shoot Copper. The end.

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