MovieChat Forums > Escape from New York (1981) Discussion > Defunding Police..this movie was prescie...

Defunding Police..this movie was prescient

Not only is there a scene that forshadows 9/11 but now it gives a example of what could happen if you just said F policing in the big city.

This very average movie has some odd forshadowing of the future if you ask me.


It's a great film, but it's not about no having police. Just the opposite: the country had become a police state, hence the highjacking of AF1. Manhattan was a prison like Devil's Island totally surrounded by police. In an ideal society there would be no need for police. Maybe someday 100 years from now we'll achieve that. Until then we've got to do as much reform as possible and not let criminals join the force.


Defunding local police will lead to a national police force as in the movie. It will be an army trained to shoot American citizens. Be afraid. be very afraid.


Trump already has his new force: The Proud Boiz.


The AOC administration will form the US Police force I described above


lay off the sizzurp


giving the police the most valuable property on Earth is not "defunding" them


You didn't watch the movie if that was your takeaway. The movie explains why NYC is a prison at the very beginning.

You AltRight troll bois need to find a better hobby


I'd like to see you make a better than average movie with the budget Carpenter had.
