MovieChat Forums > Escape from New York (1981) Discussion > How Did They Explain the President's Mis...

How Did They Explain the President's Missing Finger?

Based on the press conference at the end, it appeared that they had no intention of telling the public about the Presidents plane being hijacked and crashing in New York. So how did they explain why the President was suddenly missing a finger? Eventually it would be noticed.


It was likely cut off by The Dukes goons off screen. The President didn't seem to be worried about it or perhaps he only shared it with medical staff.


What I meant was how did the President explain to the press and to the American Public how he lost his finger? Surely at some point he would do a press conference in front of the large group of reporters, or be campaigning and shacking peoples hands. At some point someone is going to notice that he's missing a finger and ask him how and when that happened.


He probably just gave them the finger.


Thank you, I will be here all week. Try the veal.


This got a laugh out of me, thank you!


It was such a dystopian nightmare, the american people as a whole might not ever find out due to media control. Or they would cook up a story how the president did some "heroic thing" for the people that ended up with him losing a finger.

I want you to consider this. When Kumallah Hardees went to Guatemala the MSM in america showed what they wanted everyone to see which is her being welcomed...but other news showed the truth which is loads of people with signs saying "Go Home" "Mind your own business" "Trump Won" "We dont need you here" "fix your own corrupt government" etc...


They kidnappers could have cut anyone's finger and put the presidential ring on it.


In the scene where Snake finds the President there's a bandage on the missing finger.

In the final scene with the President his finger is bandaged.


With a serious reply: Gloves.


Uhhhh yeah I’m like I think the president might want to go to a hospital, he’s probably in quite a bit of pain, not to mention that cut is susceptible to bacteria, blood poisoning, etc.
