Escape from San Francisco?

Global warming and the melting of the ice caps turns SF into an island and becomes a prison like NY. Snake is sent there for various crimes and tries to escape. The story would take place in between NY and LA.

Whaddaya think?

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Global warming and the melting of the ice caps turns SF into an island and becomes a prison like NY. Snake is sent there for various crimes and tries to escape. The story would take place in between NY and LA

I like that for a set up but to add to it I don't think it should be set between NY and LA. It should be many years after both so you can see a grizzled, aged, really mean and angry Snake Plissken more so than he was before. I think they must get Kurt Russell back and play Snake Plissken and I would love to have them try to bring in a new young stud officer to take along with him cause he is getting older now so he needs quick hands and it's easier to get the job done with someone who has the same abilities Snake has or more and someone to watch each others back perhaps (played by Chris Pratt or Casey Affleck) to help him track down and eliminate threats but the reason he HAS to go on the mission is because sometime along the way Plissken had a child with a woman he keeps a secret but some criminals found out and killed the mother but kept the boy and they get him convicted of murder so he is sent to where ever the prison is now and the criminals are pissed at him and hold him hostage and their only demand is that Plissken and one other may come over the walls and he has 12hrs to find him and if he doesn't the kid dies and then so will Snake but if he finds them the kid can go free and they take Snake instead.

I was going to go on and on but I think that sums up my quick idea for a 3rd movie.


I like that for a set up but to add to it I don't think it should be set between NY and LA. It should be many years after both so you can see a grizzled, aged, really mean and angry Snake Plissken more so than he was before. I think they must get Kurt Russell back and play Snake Plissken and I would love to have them try to bring in a new young stud officer to take along with him cause he is getting older now so he needs quick hands and it's easier to get the job done with someone who has the same abilities Snake has or more and someone to watch each others back perhaps (played by Chris Pratt or Casey Affleck) to help him track down and eliminate threats but the reason he HAS to go on the mission is because sometime along the way Plissken had a child with a woman he keeps a secret but some criminals found out and killed the mother but kept the boy and they get him convicted of murder so he is sent to where ever the prison is now and the criminals are pissed at him and hold him hostage and their only demand is that Plissken and one other may come over the walls and he has 12hrs to find him and if he doesn't the kid dies and then so will Snake but if he finds them the kid can go free and they take Snake instead.

Some good ideas but I also feel if you are going to have the third film be after LA then I think there needs to be some closure with the state of affairs with the world. At the very least a formidable revolution begins because of the events of said film to topple the oppressive regime. I think we should also get away with the time limit thing and try not to be such a carbon copy of the first two films. I think this hurt LA as a lot of its features were direct copies of NY which made the film seem like a parody.

There used to be rumors of a distant future one where Earth was now a prison planet and a new Snake is sent on a rescue and escape mission. That one seems like it could be fun if handled correctly.

The reason I decided SF should take place in between is because of all the comments about how they can never capture him and how he always seems to escape kinda ties into it. Another cool thing would be Alcatraz ironically would be used as the main guard base kinda like Statue of Liberty island was used in NY. Your story with Snake going in to save his son would work as well but perhaps axe the time limit on his life. Just the fact that the kid wouldn't last 24 hours in that environment is enough of a time press to make Snake hurry and find him.

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I like what your saying, I guess I was a little too heavy on how close it would be to the other movies. It's a tricky thing because if you change the formula too much or if it's exactly the same then people will be outraged. Obviously I'm no screenwriter so I'm sure someone could find a good balance. I especially like how you said address the current state of affairs and the idea of a revolution and I agree about the time limit thing, but I think there has to be some sort of a catch in order to heighten the drama and suspense.


Depending on if we are talking pre or post EFLA, the idea of having a kidnapped son isn't a bad idea. After he turned the tables on the government twice before, I can't imagine them trusting him a third time. Using a hostage would at least be a different plot device/motivation, alternatively Snake just going on a rescue mission into SF without government involvement would be even better. The idea of Snake having had a family at some point also answers a question I've always had. That is, what would Snake's ultimate fate be, after the events of NY/LA? Would he just disappear and live somewhere alone, or join some kind of group (he never struck me as much of a team player, with rare exceptions)? That is one thing the EFNY comic did fairly well before it finished, they had a brief time prior to LA where he disappears and lives off the grid until the USPF track him down.


Yes, I really like the idea of taking out the government involvement altogether and keeping the idea of him going to rescue his son. It would keep it close enough to the original formula and also make it just a bit different while adding to the mythology and like you said answers some questions or gives a bit more depth to the character. I've always wondered what he would have done or where he would go after the events of EFLA. I also agree that he never comes across as much of a team player so I don't think he would have joined a group or anything like that but him living off the grid and having a wife and eventually a son kind of makes sense. I wouldn't want to make him seem like he has become too soft or anything though, so maybe he had become a bounty hunter, which actually could give reason for one of, or even many of the people he caught to want to kidnap his son. Maybe they even beat his wife so bad but don't kill her so that she can obviously tell him that they kidnapped his son which would add to Snake's anger of also nearly killing his wife. Now his son would have to be at least between the ages of 20-30 to keep it more believable because at his age now and given it's been 20 years since EFLA came out (I know the movies are set in the future compared to the dates when the movies were released) so obviously adjust the dates accordingly. Seems like it could be a fun way to give us Snake one more time.



Cool idea. What I always thought would be interesting, with the right actor and tone of the film, would be a prequel. Showing us how and why Snake became the person he is. But then again, those kinds of film are very hit or miss. I just wish Escape From L.A would have been better.
