MovieChat Forums > Enter the Ninja (1981) Discussion > Sign the Enter the Ninja DVD Petition!

Sign the Enter the Ninja DVD Petition!

Hello fellow Cannon film fans! Please go to the following link and sign the Enter the Ninja, Ninja III: The Domination, Exterminator 2, and Avenging Force DVD Petition. Also please email MGM/Fox at [email protected] to bring these cult classics to DVD!


WHY? Its free on Comcast Cable ON Demand under the section Impact in the Free Movie Section


I would absolutely buy this on DVD, it's the epitome of "So bad it's good." I was telling my fiance' when we were watching it on my DVR last night, why is it that the movies I really find enjoyable and want to own have never been released on DVD and there are only 5 VHS copies of and they're selling for 100 bucks?

Death Ship is another one I'd like for a personal collection, even if it was VHS.

I love to love my Lisa.
