MovieChat Forums > Dragonslayer (1981) Discussion > Why is this film not on Blu-Ray?

Why is this film not on Blu-Ray?

I just went to buy the movie on Blu-Ray and it seems to have never been released. Since it was the only alternative, I picked the DVD up for $5.99. That's certainly better than nothing, but c'mon man, it's worthy of a HD physical release.

I think it's such a shame that so many good films have never gotten Blu-Ray or 4K Blu-Ray releases and, considering the trend we see with physical media, likely never will.


Huh, that's surprising. Dragonslayer is an exemplary movie, especially in the fantasy genre.


I watched it for the first time a couple of months ago and thought it was a really interesting film. I went in with modest expectations and it exceeded them.

Being that I was a kid in the 80s I'm pretty surprised I never saw it, but if I did, I certainly don't remember doing so.


movie creeped me out as a kid. the tension and dread the movie creates was very intense.


It is definitely a surprisingly dark film for a Disney fantasy movie aimed at kids (or at least aimed at a mixed family audience). When the dragon incinerates the girl in the early sacrifice scene I knew I was in for something that was a little more hardcore than I originally expected.


Interesting. Maybe the effects were never mastered properly? I know that's a big problem with older movies and shows.


Thing is, you can buy it on digital HD on Amazon. You just can't get a hardcopy.


new 4K bluy for Dragonslayer is in stores now.

I bought the new 4K blu ray from Walmart online.

its got bonus features behind the scenes stuff which is really great. Even a commentary track.


Funny you post this today because I was just in Best Buy yesterday and was tipped off to this when I ran across the 4K Dragonslayer Steelbook. I then ordered the regular (non-Steelbook) edition and it was in my mailbox already when I got home today. Apparently there's also a regular Blu-Ray as well.

It looks like the disc is a little light on special features, but at least there's SOMETHING and it's not a bare bones release.

It's interesting that the studio waited this long to do an HD physical release and then finally decided to move forward with it.


well the new 4K blu ray has plenty of bonus features behind the scenes stuff including a commentar track. Way better than wasting money on a bare bones DVD/blu ray for any old 1980s movie.

I still have the DVD of Dragonslayer but planning on throwing it away or add the DVD disc in the 4K blu ray case.

Wish Peter MacNicol would be in more movies these days. last time he was in a movie or tv show was the Ally McBeal show a long long time ago


The disc must have more special features than are advertised on the back then. The back simply lists:

* Commentary by Director Matthew Robbins & Guillermo del Toro

* Screen Tests

* The Slayer of All Dragons

* Original Theatrical Trailer


It has more than that.

-Commentary track
-Slayer of All Dragons
-Welcome to Cragganmore
-A Long Way to Urland
-Vermithrax Pejorative
-Into the Lake of Fire
-The Final Battle


Thanks. Seems strange they wouldn't happily list all of that on the insert.
