A pleasant mix of mythologies.
Calibos in this movie is loosely based on Shakespeare's Caliban in "The Tempest".
The Three Graeae Sisters of the Gorgons, later inspired Shakespeare for his
Three Witches in "Hamlet".
The Kraken adds a Scandinavian dash to the screenplay.
However Medusa's background(as a once beautiful woman vain in the beauty of her hair,
seduced by the lustful Poseidon inside the goddess Athena's very temple and thus
as a punishment, turned into any hair stylist's nightmare !)in the 2010 version
is no invention, but not a Greek Myth either. It was a latter Latin embellishment
by the poet Ovid.
When one reads the Arabian One-Thousand-And-One-Nights,
one finds so many surprising similarities with the Greco-Roman mythological tales.
This shows that the exchanges across the Mediterranean were well developed
since the earliest times.