What were they thinking?

What in the world were all those guys thinking who tried to answer Andromeda's riddle before Perseus tried? Did they have a desire to get burned alive at the stake? I wonder what made them so confident about having the correct answer? Were they perhaps mentally unstable types?



Well, that and if they win, they get to rule the kingdom.


They also got to shag Andromeda if they got the right answer -- they felt it was worth the risk.


Did they know what the riddle was before agreeing to guess it?

"There is no escape, John!"


To DDeRo64: No, Thallo told Perseus at the burning no man lived to tell what the riddle was. Which makes me think there's a goof, since Perseus heard the riddle in front of a whole room full of people...


I believe you, but I'm going to have to see the movie again, which will then [I can't think of the right word] me to watch the sort-of-remake and its sequel. Then I'll probably have some compulsion to watch Jason and the Argonauts again. So now I have to watch four movies! Thanks a lot!!

"There is no escape, John!"


Yes. One of many goofs.

Didn't notice that one.

"In a day we pass from the Northern Lights to doomsday dawns."


jasrowy is more correct than me... although Thalo said they didn't live to repeat it, that may just be referring to their quick deaths.


They didn't know the riddle and the riddle changed each time, that's what the guard said to Perseus when the man was burning.
