MovieChat Forums > Clash of the Titans (1981) Discussion > This was so much better than the remake!

This was so much better than the remake!

I don't know why they bother to remake something that was made well the first time around. They should concentrate on remaking pieces of crap.


To be fair, it's hard to be worse than the remake.

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you.


So a remake of the remake? I like it.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


Actually, they're both good in their own ways. The original wasn't great by any means, the remake wasn't. But they were both entertaining.



The remake of this movie was garbage. It's a classic example of CGI ruining the movies. This movie back in 1981 didn't have the special effects advancements that they do today, so they still had to rely on the story itself. This movie is a classic hero's journey story. It has all the elements to make a good film. And because you're not so distracted by all the crazy special effects we are getting nowadays, with so much action all over the screen to distract us from the fact that there's no story, the films back then had to rely on a story which this one had. movies back in the 40's and 50's had even better stories and tension build up through dialogue because they had even less special effects.

It's almost as if the human mind has its limits to what it can really process as far as a good story goes. It's annoying to me when I go to these movies and it seems like the movie starts and moments later it ends because there's just been so much activity on the screen for the two hours that you kind of get lost in all the special effects and it distracts you from the actual plot and the characters. But again this story was awesome back in 1981 and I agree with you. Although I didn't see the remake for Clash of Titans in the theaters, I wanted to turn off the remake when I saw it on DVD.

To me, Harry Hamlin is Perseus. He was so good looking in this movie. I love this movie. It's a classic. And one more thing. I thought it was stupid when they took Bubo and just showed him in the remake and threw him away. What was that all about? That was so dumb. As if it was kind of like a chip on the shoulder statement of we are not going to go down THAT path with THIS movie. When in fact, Bubo was one of the cutest parts of the original. Besides, if you're trying to make a movie that is not like the first film then why purposely highlight a chip on your shoulder and try to diss the first film by actually pulling the audience out of your own film to magnify the fact that you're not going to include one of the cutest characters from the original film and as a sort of slap in the face of the original film? Its really dumb to do that. Its like the film makers were paranoid that the audience would be upset that the second film wasn't as good as the first. Really dumb move.


"Lena is high and mighty" IMDB-- posters 10/13



Yes, you obviously get what I'm saying. It's like the film makers are people that are too numb to understand that the story is everything. And more than that, its like they got a chip on their shoulder because they can't even just leave it out. If you don't want to put it in? Fine. Leave it out. But why put it in just to insult it? I personally loved Bubo.

But then again, you know you're in trouble in a remake when you're trying to make a point to do the opposite of everything that's in the original. Like instead of him hooking up with the princess, he's gotta hook up with somebody who's not a princess, etc. And you have to put in a scene there where he's got to specifically reject the princess who never even played a prominent role in the picture anyway. And then he's got to have "issues" with his daddy the immortal. Instead of appreciating the gifts from the gods like the original. Ooooh...very deep....And not an obvious attempt to distance the remake from the original in any way whatsoever. (sarcasm intended). That's what was so pathetic about the remake honestly. The blatant attempt to try to NOT be the original.

And it's almost as if they sat in a room and decided to put together something where they could have just a lot of special effects, chose this movie to do it and then realized that they needed to have some sort of story and couldn't mirror the original and then had a hissy fit and got resentful because then they had to try to make up something that was different than the original, and ended up just throwing stuff against the wall to see what would stick.

in any event, I agree with you. Obviously, great minds think alike


"Lena is high and mighty" IMDB-- posters 10/13



You are soooooooo right!!!!


"Lena is high and mighty" IMDB-- posters 10/13


It's like [many of today's] film makers are people that are too numb to understand[...]
You are wholly correct--it is true. They ARE a bunch of numb-nuts, and way, WAAAY over-paid. They are vapid, vacuous, shallow, clueless, oblivious, and stupid. But I don't know who's the most pathetically dumber: They themselves, or the dumb slobbering heaves that pay them.


I don't think they were trying to diss the original by showing Bubo and then throwing him away... it seemed that having Bubo was a nod to the original movie... it's not like we saw all the Gods and Goddesses up in Olympus this time around where Bubo could be shown fluttering about... Bubo's inclusion was a fun way to pay homage to the original... or at least that's what I took away from it.

~ the hardest thing in this world... is to live in it ~


To my mind, the biggest flaw with the remake is the lead is hopelessly miscast, being too old and too buff for the part of Perseus, who is more a thoughtful and cunning hero than a Hercules type.

Since it is no longer a coming of age story, all the magic and excitement of the first film is lost.

It is not our abilities that show who we truly is our choices


Frankly both of them are about show off special effects than telling a great story. But i find both of them enjoyable in there own ways. Frankly i think there are too many people who act like this was a flawless film. For one Harry Hamlin isnt any closer to being a Shakespearean actor than Sam wellington is. The story to the original was very very hokey. The story to the remake was pretty hokey and over the top as well. I know there are people who are blinded by Nostalgia. But come on.


Why do people always dismiss love for this film as nostalgia? It was a great film back in 81, sure, and it still is, imo. But it's been a beloved fantasy film for many throughout its entire history. That's not necessarily nostalgia. It's just a film that holds up. People act like if it weren't for the "nostalgia factor" then its flaws would be more apparent but nostalgia certainly had nothing to do with why I liked it when I first saw it back in 81 and I, for one, am not so willing to dismiss my own, or anyone else's, youthful experience as invalid. The use of the nostalgia factor as a criticism does only one thing: it negates first impressions. I saw plenty of movies from the same time period that I hated. Where's the nostalgia in that? But if I liked a movie, then its nostalgia? That makes no sense. In all honesty, I actually like it even more now than I did then.
