Harry Hamlin's Lips

So i've always noticed that Harry's lips look fuller here then they normally do, like the kinda look swollen or something. I mean it could just be makeup or how he's holding his mouth, but his lips look bigger in this film then normal. Is it just me? LOL


The first time I saw Harry Hamlin was in the TV mini-series Studs Lonigan (1979). My parents were visiting me at the time, and so we all watched it together. My mother was so repulsed by his big lips that she could scarcely contain herself.


You know... I was just thinking this very thing. His lips do look very big/full in this movie. They also look very real, like it is his natural lip shape. But, if you look on his IMDB pictures, his lips are drastically smaller.

I agree with the second posters Mom... I find very full lips on a man to be UGLY! I think smaller lips are much more attractive.
