Great show
and still great today. I can't stop laughing at some of the people who say this has aged. A movie doesn't age, it's immortalized on film forever. If it was good when it was new it's just as good today. If you think it sucks because time has gone by then that's a personal perspective thing. I can watch this, Jason & the Argonauts, the 3 Sinbad movies & Krull over and over. I'll never get sick of those. I can remember watching this at 8 years old then the next year going to see Beastmaster. Seems like after those two came out a lot more in this genre started to come out which was fine by me. I do like the remake but it just doesn't have the magic this one had and too much CGI is not always a good thing even though it allows you to show something happening more so how it could or would in a world with monsters and Gods.