Golden shower
So, Zeus seduced Danae with shower of gold (golden shower). Interesting.
shareHah ! That line stood out to me too and I came here to post about it. He made love to her as a golden shower and that's how Perseus was conceived...
Someone needs to tell the writer that that's not how babies are made. Or, if that detail is in the original myth, well...too late, the Greeks who came up with the story are long dead.ë#/media/File%3ADanae_gold_shower_Louvre_CA925.jpgë#/media/File%3AAlexandre_Jacques_Chantron_(1891)_Danae.jpgë#/media/File%3AKlimt%2C_Danaë.jpgë#/media/File%3ATizian_011.jpgë#/media/File%3ACorreggio_008.jpgë#/media/File%3ACorreggio_008.jpg (I think that one's my favourite depiction)ë#/media/File%3AAdolf_Ulrik_Wertmüller_-_Danaë_and_the_Shower_of_Gold_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg (this one looks the most like what it might be like to get a literal golden shower from Zeus)
Perseus is conceived by the golden shower physically going into Danaë, it ain't just flashy immaculate conception.
Perseus is conceived by the golden shower physically going into Danaë, it ain't just flashy immaculate conception.
How can she be born without original sin when all the human race descended from Adam and we are sinners? My understanding of The Immaculate Conception is a conception without conception, a spontaneous conception with no intervening agent, not even a golden shower.
shareIn Catholic Theology Mary was preserved from Original Sin by the Holy Spirit so she would be worthy of bearing Jesus. There is no debate on this, though your interpretation is a common misconception.
These links should help.
Yup, Mary is the immaculate conception. No debate. Watch Song of Bernadette. Which incidentally has one of the most beautiful scores ever made.
shareYes costumrs is right. It is a common misconception (lol) that The Immaculate Conception has to do with Jesus, but it does not. As costumrs noted, it has to do with Mary.
Now, as to your question 'we are all sinners' - I think the logic behind the theology here is that there must have been something really really special about Mary, if she was chosen by God to give birth to Jesus. She can't be 'just another sinner' like the rest of us, in other words. The thinking went that 'there has to be something very special about this person, to be considered worthy of being the God-bearer.' A common sinner would just not do.
So that's the idea behind it. I am not here to advocate for one position or another, just explaining what the thought process was behind the concept.
Dave Chappelle did a song on this.
shareThey were more innocent times. They speak of literal gold. The phrase has been repurposed by degenerates who are into 'water sports'.
shareThey are Greek. It adds up.