Sympathy For Medusa.

Ok, may have been said here before. If so, Apologies.

Group of six guys or so, plan to break into a girl's house, chop her head off and carry it away to slay a sea monster.

Said guys brutally kill her pet dog.

Really she should have just said 'hey guys, chop my head off', how dare she fight back?

Everything will be OK in the end, if it aint OK,it aint the end.


not only that but they tell the story wrong. the playwrite tells perci that medusa is seduced by posidon and is therefore cursed, but the true myth is she is raped and then cursed for it!


She wasn't Raped she willingly Gave her self to Poseidon that is why Athena Punished her. I'm a follower of the Greek Gods & read all the Greek Mythology I can Most accounts say she willingly did it. It was no where online till the show Clash of the Gods came out.

Ace Lions


Few girls carry a warbow like it's nothing. Few girls turn people to stone with their gaze. Few girls brought on a curse like Medusa. Few girls outweigh a classic era warrior with pure muscle.


You missed the part where she shot the guy in the back without warning.

Blasphemy: It's a victimless crime


You mean the guy who broke into her house with the obvious intention of decapitating her? I'm sure if someone broke into your house planning to behead you, you'd just jump out in front of him unarmed and say, "Here I am!."

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you.


I see where you are coming from Great White, but I have 2 words for you - Tony Martin!

Blasphemy: It's a victimless crime


The whole thing was Zeus's fault -- if that ass hadn't allowed Thetis to punish the people of Joppa, WHO DID NOTHING WRONG, the trip to Medua's never would've been neccessary.

"Backed by the full faith and credit of the American taxpayers."


Apollo_Tweed, The Lord is the victim (which is a noun, not a verb; gender ranks among your various areas of ignorance) of blasphemy. You are the victim of your own ignorance.


Not only that, but her home is littered with corpses, of people turned to stone. It's like a game to these people, who can make it out of Medusa's lair alive, and with her head?

She lived with a target on her back, AFTER being cursed, to look horrible.


I agree with you, Medusa is a tragic character, but she is by no means the only one. I think we have to remember that we are talking about mythology, but mythology should not be confused with morality plays. In other words, there is not necessarily a 'right and wrong' or a 'good and bad' in many of the stories, there just 'is.'

What did Medea's kids do to 'deserve' death? Why was the entire city of Troy destroyed? Because of Paris and maybe Helen's treachery? Was it fair or right that Persephone was abducted by Hades, etc. The list goes on.

I think it's interesting that in the film, they make Medusa a hunter of men, with her quiver and bow and arrows. Apparently it wasn't enough that just a gaze from her would kill a man, now she actively hunts them too!
