MovieChat Forums > The Boogens (1981) Discussion > Is this movie the Boogens?

Is this movie the Boogens?

I watched this movie when I was a kid (like 20 years ago). I can't remember if it was a horror or sci-fi. I can't remember any actors and can only remember like 2 scenes, and that I really liked the movie! I think in the beginning this creature (im pretty sure it had tentacles) came through the vents to kill someone. Later in the movie there were I think 2 guys and a girl walking around from what I remember some cars and I want to say something like lava. The tentacles grabbed one of the guys and killed him (Im pretty sure he was a main character and remember being suprised that he died). I also think the guys (or at least one of them) had on a cowboy hat. I know this isn't much to go on, but if anyone has an idea of what this movie might be please help. I have been trying to remember this movie for years. I think I saw it on late night tv but am not sure. It must have been made in the 70s or early to mid 80s.


I would say it's the same movie. You basically remembered it right, with a few minor differences. One of the main characters (wearing a cowboy hat) is grabbed by the tentacles when he's alone in the garage by his pickup truck. And the creature came through the vents later in the movie to grab one of the female characters. She gets away, but it chases her throughout the house until it kills her. Not sure about the lava part, but you may be remembering the muddy pool that was discovered in the mine. Otherwise, I'd say it's got to be the same movie.


I was 6 when I saw this and it was the first and only time in my life that I refused to go to my room by myself. I made my dad sit in the doorway until I fell asleep and when I woke up in the middle of the night to see him gone, I completely panicked thinking a Boogen got him. I was screaming and screaming until he came back. I was really rattled. The funny part is I have never seen the movie since and I'm 33 now and I still remember being freaked out like it was yesterday. In fact, this is the first time I've reminisced about this movie since it popped into my head when I was talking to my Dad the other day. What a weird memory.

The part of the movie I remember most is a view from under a truck or a car while people were talking and a tentacle or something grabs somebody's foot and drags them under the car. All the dragging into dark places really sent me over the edge. I was convinced I would be yanked under my bed by a big monster. I also remember that the movie spent a lot of time showing you the view from the monsters.
