MovieChat Forums > The Boogens (1981) Discussion > Anyone else pissed when *SPOILERS*

Anyone else pissed when *SPOILERS*

Jessica died? She was both beautiful and cute at the same time, she also seemed sweet, independant and resourceful. She put up a pretty good fight too, I was cheering for her and pretty disappointed when she finally died.


Anne-Marie Martin is mega beautiful

"That gentleman has placed a deposit on this meat.. No.. a monetary deposit hahaha!"


I was more pissed when they actually showed the boogens!!! It was pretty good up until you realized all the mayhem was being caused by cute muppets.

In fact the scariest thing were the shots of Rebecca Balding's flat butt and itty bitty breasts. Very cute actress though. I also loved her sesnse of humor on the commentary track.


Anne-Marie Martin is indeed a lovely woman, and I'm glad she went down fighting.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


The whole time I was watching this film, (I'd never seen it until today; though I remember when it was in theaters) I was thinking that Jessica was SO familiar to me.

After the film, I came on here, and found out she was 'Wendy', the bitchy character from "Prom Night" (1980)!!!


And Darcy on Sledgehammer!



She also had a prominent role in the Buck Rogers episode "Twiki is Missing" from 1980, a very memorable part. Check it out; you'll see what I mean.

And, yes, Anne-Marie's exit from the film ruined the last 20 minutes.
