Excellent Boogens fodder. All the a-hole's got on his mind throughout the whole picture is bleeping his girlfriend and boy is he tough on that dog! Maybe he should have told the boogens hiding underneath his truck that if it kills him then he won't be able to make it with his girlfriend after a 12 day respite. LMFAO
Yeah--I loved it when he got killed. He was a sex-obsessed jerk and his constant "jokes" were painfully unfunny. I couldn't see what Jessica saw in him. But I knew he was gonna get it. It's a 1980s horror film and sex=death in those.
I thought it was funny when he whistled at Trish's cute little butt. One of the very first things I noticed about this movie was that it has a small cast, and that, surprisingly, not a one of them is an *beep*
You have definitely had sex with a calzone.-Artie Lange alas, Cin & Lilith2x4
Funny you should mention that. Roger and Jessica didn't even get to have sex because they kept getting interrupted, yet Trish and Mark did and they survived.
Yeah, that Roger...what a dick! First, he makes a bunch of harmless, corny jokes about his superior sexual prowess. Then, to top if off, he--get THIS--shirks a late night of partyin with his pals in order to honor his employment responsibilities! Why the mere thought of it makes my blood boil! ...If you think carefree, innocuous Roger is an "ahole", you should probably reevaluate your conception of what exactly constitutes a cinematic ahole...just sayin. In fact, this flick was sorely lacking a bona fide ahole or three for cathartic Boogen slaughter fodder. And cmon...that dog was the worst.