Tiger The Poodle

You know a horror film is in serious trouble when the most entertaining part of the film is a pet poodle. If it weren't for Tiger the poodle this film would have gotten a zero rating.

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I've been checking out this message board and the consensus seems to agree with you about this film. I just don't understand it, I thought this film was slow and had hardly any confrontations with those creatures. It seemed there was more bed hopping than anything else.

When I was an adolescent I had heard about this film and never got a chance to see it. It's amazing what a well edited trailer can do to sell a picture.

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


It's sad when they have to kill a lovable animal huh! No lol!


It's not a poodle, it's a Bichon Frise. Just saying.


TIL i want a bichon frise.

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That dog totally stole the show! Best thing about this movie.


A fucking Poodle?

Put some respect on the Bichon Frisé breed! (My grandparents had one when I was a child.)
