How Mattie got Ned to want Ed Dead.
Just rewatched and got so much more. The main thing was how meticulously Mattie planned it all out. This struck me with the restaurant scene where Edmund invites Ned to dine with them. Ed makes it clear to Ned while they're walking in, that he's heard the place is good but is impossible to get into on the weekends, when he's most often in town. So he's never been there before. I think Mattie had been tailing Ned for months (once she found out about him from the lawyer who sued him for malpractice) and she knew all of his haunts. So she probably suggested they go to dinner at that place where Ned could "afford to eat at once a month as long as he didn't order an appetizer" lol. She went to the Pinehaven Tavern knowing that sooner or later they'd bump into one another. She knew he was a barfly lustful guy who slept around all the time and he would try to pick her up. She knew, when she excused herself from the dinner table that Ed and Ned would have a conversation in which Ed would belittle Ned, and that would help her to get Ned to want Ed Dead.